
Accurate and secure user authentication is critical for providing patient privacy and provider peace of mind. Ankhos employs optional two-factor authentication (2fa) using something you know (Password) and something you have (Android phone or Apple iPhone).

When logging into Ankhos with 2fa enabled, you will be prompted for your password. If you correctly enter your password, you will be prompted to enter your 6-digit code from your Google authentication app from your Android or Apple smartphone.

Currently, Ankhos 2fa is an optional feature on a per-user basis. A practice may elect to require their users to enable 2fa.

Something you know

Ankhos passwords are stored using using irretrievable and cryptographically secure hashing mechanisms. Administrators do not have access to Ankhos user passwords. This ensures that the user is in complete control of their password and username.

Something you have

Users may opt-in to two-factor authentication. This is done by downloading the Google authenticator app on your smartphone and activating 2fa within Ankhos.

If 2fa is enabled, when logging into Ankhos, you will be asked for a temporary code displayed on your smartphone. Access to this code validates that you have the phone with which you signed up for 2fa.